Home Cycling Dealing with Concussion: The Struggles of British Downhill Mountain Biker Tahnee Seagrave

Dealing with Concussion: The Struggles of British Downhill Mountain Biker Tahnee Seagrave

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Tahnee Seagrave Concussion Recovery

Dealing with Concussion: The Struggles of British Downhill Mountain Biker Tahnee Seagrave

Tahnee Seagrave on the Impacts of Concussion

She describes her feeling post-concussion as akin to drowning, “like my whole body was underwater, with just enough air to breathe, but not enough to be comfortable.”

The world of downhill mountain biking is not for the risk-averse. Competitors fling themselves down treacherously steep tracks, adrenaline fuelling their journeys over gravity-defying jumps, slippery roots, and loose mud at breakneck speeds. However, with such daredevil tactics come injuries.

Tahnee Seagrave, a known figure in the sport, has been no stranger to these injuries. The severity of her latest injury surpassed that of her past injuries, even those that seemed “10 times worse.”

During a fateful incident in April 2022 in Wales, she crashed headfirst after a failed jump, flipping over her handlebars. “I was incredibly nauseous. My anxiety was through the roof. I had double vision, but I didn’t feel like I’d been knocked out,” the then 28-year-old shared with Sport Newes Center.

Though physically intact, Seagrave was diagnosed with a concussion. The next few days were a daze. Her condition took a turn for the worse after an attempted ride, leaving her disoriented and anxious in a world that didn’t feel like her own.

Seagrave, a multiple World Championship medalist with eight World Cup titles, has endured a string of injuries from broken bones to slipped discs in her neck. These physical traumas culminated in a concussion that her father, Tony, describes as a result of accumulated stress from previous injuries.

Although she passed all medical evaluations, Seagrave experienced severe anxiety and depression, feeling safe only in the presence of her parents. Tony, also the manager of her racing team FMD Racing, compared her regressed behaviour to that of a small child.

The fallout from her injury had the Seagrave family questioning her future in mountain biking. However, the athlete found that by letting go of expectations and focusing on healing, she began to improve.

By late September 2022, Seagrave gradually returned to her former life, relearning to live normally while cautiously managing her energy. One day, she felt ready to pedal again and was relieved to find that her symptoms didn’t return.

Earlier this year, Seagrave made her return to competitive racing, ranking seventh in her first mountain bike World Cup. She has also been selected for the Great Britain squad for the World Championships in Fort William in August.

In reflecting on her journey, Seagrave reveals a shift in her competitive mindset. “I’ve certainly changed… I still want to win a lot more, but not with a constant critic in my head. It might take longer to get there, but it would definitely feel much more rewarding when it happens.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Tahnee Seagrave Concussion Recovery

What happened to Tahnee Seagrave during her downhill mountain biking event in Wales in April 2022?

Tahnee Seagrave suffered a serious injury during a downhill mountain biking event in Wales in April 2022. She flipped over her handlebars after coming up short on a jump and hit her head, resulting in a concussion.

How did Seagrave describe her experience dealing with the concussion?

Seagrave described her experience with the concussion as feeling like she was drowning, with her whole body underwater. She felt nauseous, anxious, and experienced double vision. In the days following her concussion, she felt disoriented and detached from the world around her.

What was Tahnee Seagrave’s recovery process like?

Seagrave’s recovery process was challenging. It involved relearning how to live normally, managing her energy carefully to avoid exhaustion, and gradually reintegrating the sport into her life. She experienced a turning point when she dropped all expectations related to her sport, focusing purely on her healing.

How did the concussion affect Seagrave’s perspective on competition?

The experience of the concussion and recovery process shifted Seagrave’s perspective on competition. She stated that she still wanted to win but not with constant self-criticism. She believes that reaching her goals might take longer now, but it would feel more rewarding when achieved.

Has Seagrave returned to competitive racing after her recovery?

Yes, Seagrave returned to competitive racing after her recovery. She ranked seventh in her first mountain bike World Cup post-recovery and has been selected for the Great Britain squad for the World Championships in Fort William in August.

More about Tahnee Seagrave Concussion Recovery

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BikeLover101 July 19, 2023 - 3:33 pm

Wow, i never realized how serious concussions could be. Tahnee’s story is so inspiring. Hope she continues to heal and succeed!

SafetyFirst July 19, 2023 - 3:39 pm

This story highlights the importance of proper safety equipment. even the best can get injured. All the best to Seagrave!

RadRacer July 19, 2023 - 4:59 pm

Massive respect for Tahnee. Takes a true champ to bounce back like that! She’s not just a great athlete, but a great role model too.

SarahJ July 20, 2023 - 8:43 am

A real eye opener.. mental health is so important in recovery. good on her for prioritising it.

MountainRider78 July 20, 2023 - 9:04 am

Its crazy how much she’s been through! Concussion sounds horrible and she’s such a fighter for getting back on her bike. keep it up Tahnee!


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