Home Ice hockey Justine Blainey: The teenage girl who went to court to play ice hockey with boys

Justine Blainey: The teenage girl who went to court to play ice hockey with boys

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Ice Hockey Equality

Justine Blainey: The Trailblazing Teen Who Challenged the Ice Hockey Status Quo

When you see the logo of the Justine Blainey Wellness Centre, with an ice hockey stick forming the letter J, you might think it’s a nod to Canada’s favorite sport. And you’d be partially right, but there’s much more to the story, especially if you know Dr. Justine Blainey and her extraordinary journey.

In 1981, Justine Blainey achieved something remarkable. At just 12 years old, she earned a spot on a boys’ team in the Metro Toronto Hockey League (MTHL). However, she was denied the right to play simply because she was a girl. What followed was an epic legal battle that spanned her teenage years, consisting of five different court cases, with the climax being a hearing in front of the Supreme Court of Canada in 1987.

Fast forward over 30 years, and Justine Blainey, now 50, along with those closest to her, shares her story in the gripping three-part podcast series, “Frozen Out,” produced by BBC World Service’s Amazing Sport Stories.

The journey began in the spring of 1985 when 12-year-old Justine, sitting at her Toronto home, penned a poignant letter. In it, she asked a simple but profound question: “I can play, but may I?” She explained her desire to play with the boys because the girls’ hockey options were limited, offering fewer games and levels of competition compared to the boys. She had the support of her mother, Caroline, and her brother, David, who was already an ice hockey player himself.

Justine’s journey was not easy. She faced discrimination, resistance, and ridicule. The ice hockey community, including girls’ teams, saw her as a threat and often treated her harshly. She had to endure harsh comments, isolation, and even physical harm, which left her feeling humiliated and alone.

Her legal battle was a groundbreaking one. Justine challenged the Ontario Hockey Association’s (OHA) rules, which generally prohibited mixed-sex teams in the MTHL. The OHA argued that physical differences between boys and girls justified the separation in sport. However, Justine believed that if a girl had the skills and was selected for the team, gender should not be a barrier.

The case eventually reached the Supreme Court of Canada. It was a pivotal moment when, on 17 April 1987, the highest court ruled in Justine’s favor. They struck down a key provision (section 19 point two) that allowed for gender-based separation in sport. This victory was not just about Justine; it set a precedent for girls across Ontario and beyond.

However, her victory did not come without challenges. Justine had to face multiple hearings and continued resistance from the OHA before finally being allowed to play on a boys’ team in the MTHL. She declined a one-time exception offer, insisting on equal opportunities for all girls interested in playing with boys.

On 15 January 1988, Justine finally stepped onto the ice with her team, the Eastenders. The game was met with a mixture of cheers and jeers from the crowd, but she played her heart out despite the pressure and negative comments. She became an inspiration, with headlines reading “Justine, just one of the boys – finally.”

Today, thanks in part to Justine’s determination and legal battle, it’s easier for girls in Ontario to play on boys’ teams if they choose to. Her story serves as a reminder that perseverance and standing up for what’s right, even when it’s tough, can lead to meaningful change.

Dr. Justine Blainey continues to love hockey and actively plays the game. She’s a testament to the enduring spirit of someone who fought for her passion and opened doors for others along the way. Her legacy lives on, inspiring generations to come to pursue their dreams and do the right thing, no matter the obstacles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ice Hockey Equality

What is the main focus of this text?

This text primarily focuses on the inspiring story of Justine Blainey’s fight for equality in ice hockey, highlighting her legal battle to play on boys’ teams and her impact on gender equality in sports.

Who is Justine Blainey, and why is her story significant?

Justine Blainey is a former ice hockey player who gained prominence for challenging the gender barriers in the sport. Her story is significant because she fought for her right to play on boys’ teams, paving the way for greater gender equality in ice hockey and sports in general.

What were the key challenges Justine Blainey faced in pursuing her passion for ice hockey?

Justine Blainey faced numerous challenges, including resistance from sports organizations, societal backlash, and even physical harassment. She endured these challenges while advocating for her right to play on boys’ teams.

How did Justine Blainey ultimately succeed in her quest for equality in ice hockey?

Justine Blainey’s persistence and determination led to legal victories that struck down discriminatory rules, opening the door for girls to play on boys’ teams in Ontario. Her case set a precedent for gender equality in sports.

What impact did Justine Blainey’s story have on ice hockey and women’s participation in the sport?

Justine Blainey’s story inspired change in ice hockey, making it more inclusive. Today, more girls have the opportunity to play on boys’ teams if they choose, and her legacy continues to promote gender equality in sports.

How does Justine Blainey’s story reflect broader issues of gender equality in sports?

Justine Blainey’s story serves as a microcosm of the broader gender equality challenges in sports. Her fight highlights the need to break down barriers and ensure equal opportunities for female athletes in various sporting disciplines.

What is Justine Blainey’s current involvement in ice hockey and sports?

Justine Blainey remains active in ice hockey, playing on women’s teams and enjoying the sport with her family. She continues to be an advocate for gender equality and encourages future generations to stand up for their rights in sports.

More about Ice Hockey Equality

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SportsNerd45 November 11, 2023 - 10:25 am

Jstine’s story is amzing, but its so sad that she got bullyed and pushed down the stairs. ppl can be so cruel smetimes.

ProudMama November 11, 2023 - 2:47 pm

Justine’s mom is a real hero too for supporting her daughter through all those legal battles. #MomGoals

TechGeek22 November 11, 2023 - 4:02 pm

I luv how Justine is still playing hockey and sharing her story for gender equality. Sports should be for everyone, no matter ur gender!

FilmFanatic November 11, 2023 - 8:30 pm

This story reminds me of a movie plot! Justine’s courage is incredible. We need more stories like this in the movies! #Inspiration

HockeyFan123 November 12, 2023 - 1:24 am

wow justine blainey is such an insperation! she fite so hard to play hockey with the boys and now more girls can too #GirlPower


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